How to register
The homeschooling statute states that parents, guardians or tutors of homeschooling students (age 6 prior to the beginning of the school year) in Grant County must notify the Grant County ESD Superintendent of their plans to educate their children at home. Written notice must be given to Grant ESD at least ten (10) days prior to withdrawing the student from school.
Write to the following address:
C/O: Homeschooling
Grant County ESD
835 S. Canyon Blvd.
John Day, OR 97845
The notice should contain the following information
- Student’s Full Name
- Birth Date
- Current age
- Previous Residence, City and State
- Name of Previous school and location
- Whether student qualifies for special education services
- Relationship, name, address and phone number of the person writing the letter.
State Requirements
State Homeschooling Information Page
Training and Learning Resources from Federal Agencies
At what age may students be home schooled?
Students may be home schooled at any time. However, in order to comply with the compulsory school attendance law, parents of students between the ages of 6-18 must notify their local Education Service District (ESD) of their intent to home school within 10 days of beginning to home school or withdrawing their child from school or moving to a new ESD region. ORS 339.030, 339.035, OAR 581-021-0026(4)
What happens if a parent withdraws a student from school with the intent to home school and the parent does not notify the ESD within 10 days?
A student who is withdrawn from school and is not registered with the ESD as being home schooled within 10 days of being withdrawn is truant. Any gap of more than 10 days between withdrawal and registration equals truancy. OAR 581-023-0006(4)(b)
At what grade level will this child be tested?
Home schooled children must be tested before the end of grades 3, 5, 8, and 10. The end of the grade is defined as before August 15 following the end of that school year. OAR 581-021-0026(5)
Who determines what grade a child is home schooled?
The rule presumes that a parent’s notification of their intent to home school a child at age 7 will begin with the first grade, unless the parent specifically notifies the ESD that the child started first grade earlier. The testing requirements will be based on that presumption unless otherwise notified by the parent. For example, a student who was 7 on September 1, 1998 will be considered to be in 3rd grade for the school year beginning September 2000. The parent could specify that the child actually began homeschooling as a first grader the fall when the child was 6, and would now be in 4th grade. OAR 581-021-0026(6)
Are students who are schooled at home by a parent or private teacher using materials from a correspondence school required to register as home schooled students?
Yes. Students taught by a parent, legal guardian or private teacher at home using materials purchased from a “correspondence school” are considered to be home schooled and must register as required in OAR 581-021-0026. The exemption under ORS 339.030(1)(a) requires that the student be “in attendance” in a private or parochial school. Further, the definition of “private school” as set out in ORS 345.505 (2) specifically excludes from that definition the option for homeschooling under ORS 339.030 (1)(c and d).